Cultural War

…Our aim is that students live faithful Christian lives, equipped to lead and transform culture through the gospel to the glory of God.
– Agape Christi Academy Vision Statement

Scripture teaches that the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life that gives healing to the nations (Prov 11:30, Rev 22:2). Out of love for others, then, it is imperative that Christian students learn to make every thought obedient to Christ, so they will not be captured by false philosophies and fail to produce good fruit. In doing so, they are truly loving their neighbors and are a light to the world.

Agape Christi knows the education of children is a battlefield of first importance… 
Ultimately, educating with Agape Christi is stepping toward fulfillment of the Great Commission…
They will grow as lovers of God, living out God’s love for the world.  And God says that when the righteous prosper, the city rejoices.

– Alane Holm, Parent